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Piano Stool


I have been toying up with the idea of replacing an old chair we have in our bedroom with a piano stool. The extra width and the little storage compartment will be perfect for us.

My Mother in-law is also after something similar so if i can make it in time, I’ll try to make one as a Christmas gift as well.

Sketchup Piano Stool

I couldn’t find any suitable plans, so i went off and drew up a basic plan using sketch-up, then over the weekend I made a rough mock-up.

Didn’t get as much done as I had hoped but the temperature was pushing 36 Celsius in the workshop so I only worked in 45 minute bursts throughout the weekend.

Sketchup Piano Stool
Overall I am pretty happy with the look of the piece. I think the waist is a little too thick, the legs need more refining, and I will also add another 50mm to the width.

Otherwise the piece seems pretty good, and functional. I think I will taper the legs more to give the piece a more feminine look. I’ll try to squeeze in another prototype in during the week and start on the real work next week.

For these stools I am going to be using Melunak, for the first time. I have heard good things about this timber, but have never used it before.

The accounts I have read, describe it as being similar to blackwood in appearance but at a lower density.

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