Time for a new project, I have been looking for something to replace a little table we have in our main living area. Spotted this via google images and I really like the style. I was only able to find this picture, the company selling the table no longer carried them and the link was dead.
With not much to go by in regards to dimensions out comes sketchup to the rescue, I quickly roughed out the dimensions and proportions:

In order to match the other furniture in the room, i’ll be using some left over Vic ash I have from a previous project.
Side panels and legs have all been glued up, at this stage I am going to taper the legs not curve them as per the original picture.
Construction will basically be 3 boxes and joining them up to create the main carcass. Might even give hand cutting dovetails a try. I am working on a Moxon style vice to help out with them, will post up info on that as I figure it out.
I have put aside some 35mm stock for the top and bottom shelf, but I am starting think it will be too thick for the bottom shelf.
Managed to peice together the console table this weekend. The legs have not been tapered, and the top/bottom shelf are not assembled yet but you get the idea.
The press parts have arrived for the Moxon Vice so I’ll need to sort that out before attempting the drawers…
The Legs have only been screwed in place, so I can remove them to tweak the taper and the height of the bottom shelf etc. This worked out well, because the location of the bottom shelf would have been too high based on my guesstimate.